In the News

Capitol Inside: Brandy Marty Marquez sits near top of Texas Lobby Rising Star list (Paywall)

The State of Texas has benefited greatly from the more than 17 years of dedicated service from Brandy Marquez. Her commitment and passion for public service have been on full display throughout her impressive career.” – Texas Governor Greg Abbott 

Brandy is a passionate public servant with a deep knowledge of state government and the issues critical to Texas’ continued success.” – Governor Rick Perry

El Paso Times: “Future Bright for Texas Health and Human Services” by Enrique Marquez 

“Enrique Marquez has overseen the state’s human services programs with dedication and energy. His counsel and leadership have been invaluable assets to HHS, and he will be greatly missed.” – Dr. Courtney N. Phillips, Executive Commissioner, Texas Health and Human Services 

“Enrique and I worked in the trenches together to help people in need during the height of Hurricane Harvey. I know firsthand the commitment and dedication he has to deliver results. He is a powerful and persuasive advocate who makes every team better.” – Jami Snyder, Director, Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System